Month: June 2022

COVID ‘Long Haulers’ Could Find Help From Social Security Disability Benefits (Part 2)

COVID ‘Long Haulers’ have the potential to receive SSDI benefits but without the proper guidance these long haulers will end up wasting their time. Here are 2 more rules to follow to ensure a successful SSDI application outcome: Be Aware

By Posted in Social Security Facts

COVID ‘Long Haulers’ Could Find Help From Social Security Disability Benefits

Stick to the 4 rules to maximize your chance of a successful SSDI application due to a long term illness derived from COVID: It’s Better To Apply Early Getting SSDI approved can be a long and arduous process. A Government

By Posted in Social Security Facts

Cancer Disability: SSDI Benefits and Lung Cancer Part 3

How Long Do Benefits Last? If you qualify for SSDI, your benefits will continue until you can return to work on a regular basis. There are also work incentives that provide continued healthcare coverage and benefits to help make the

By Posted in Social Security Facts

Cancer Disability: SSDI Benefits and Lung Cancer Part 2: Who Qualifies for Cancer Disability?

To qualify for SSDI benefits with lung cancer, you must: Have worked at jobs that were covered by Social Security Have a medical condition that meets the strict definition of disability This means that your condition must limit your ability

By Posted in Social Security Facts

Cancer Disability: SSDI Benefits and Lung Cancer

A lung cancer diagnosis can be physically, emotionally, and financially disabling, and many lung cancer patients need financial assistance to help them stay afloat financially. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federally run benefit program earned by people who

By Posted in Social Security Facts